University of Pretoria
Data set
24 files

Adaptive data rate algorithms for LoRaWAN

posted on 2024-06-26, 10:03 authored by Rachel KufakunesuRachel Kufakunesu

Simulations in ns-3 were run to produce the figures submitted. For our simulations, we used up to seven gateway nodes, one network server node and between 100 and 300 end nodes in a 10 km × 10 km network, sending data packets at different time intervals. We coded our algorithms inside the ADR component code of the ns-3 LoRaWAN module. We analysed the system performance of different ADR models, namely, the standard ADR model, which we term Semtech-ADR, the ADR model implemented in the ns-3 LoRaWAN module, which we term ns-3-ADR and our proposed fuzzy logic-based ADR known as FL-ADR. We performed two different evaluations and analyses. In the first evaluation, we used 100 EDs and changed the Application Data Packet Rate to transmit 1 packet per 300 s, 600 s, 900 s, 1200 s and 1500 s. In the second evaluation, we kept the application data rate constant at 1 packet per 600 s and varied the number of EDs to 100, 150, 200, 250 and 300 and analysed the performance. The simulation was configured to simulate for 3.3 h.


Telkom CCI

University of Pretoria (UP) Postgraduate Bursary



Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering

Sustainable Development Goals

  • 9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
  • 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities