University of Pretoria

Analysis of aquaculture public support

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posted on 2024-07-16, 14:18 authored by Masuping MofokengMasuping Mofokeng

This dataset consists of data collected from small-scale aquaculture farmers in Gauteng Province, South Africa. The data was collected through a survey and interviews. The data is collected on the demography of the farmers, their challenges, and the aquaculture public support programmes. Likert scale was used to rate the appropriateness and sufficiency of aquaculture public support programmes. The support programmes identified for the study and included in the dataset are the Aquaculture Development and Enhancement Programme (ADEP) and Aquaculture Technology Demonstration Centre (ATDC). Both Excel was used for data cleaning and developing the dataset. Datasets were transferred to SPSS for further analysis.



Agricultural Economics, Extension and Rural Development

Sustainable Development Goals

  • 1 No Poverty
  • 2 Zero Hunger
  • 12 Responsible Consumption and Production