University of Pretoria

Capacity development for innovation and adoption of technologies in the Ugandan banana value chain

posted on 2024-02-29, 09:08 authored by Stella KiconcoStella Kiconco

This data was collected from the three agroecological zones (AEZ) traditionally known for producing bananas. File 03-05-2020 Final merged data set clean (1) was collected from the households from the AEZ and it entails the farm and farmer characteristics, stakeholders and their roles in banana value chain and the capacity development needs of each of the stakeholders. File Qualitative from HH survey is an extract of qualitative responses from the household survey while file Key points from qualitative data contains a summary of the findings from key informant interviews and focus group discussions with banana farmers, traders, processors and research agents.



Agricultural Economics, Extension and Rural Development

Sustainable Development Goals

  • 2 Zero Hunger