University of Pretoria

Supplementary file

Reason: The study results are used as a guide to continue with pre-clinical studies that are ongoing, therefore the data should be closed as it will forfeit the pre-clinical studies as well as further publications that will come from the pre-clinical studies.





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Characterization and isolation of anti-HIV and latency reversal agents for the development of a herbal mixture

posted on 2023-03-31, 07:34 authored by Babalwa TembeniBabalwa Tembeni

This is data for a descriptive research that describes the methods carried out on the  latency reversal activity of G. sericocephala is found in supplementary data 1. The ultra-performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry spectral data  of the solvent blank is shown in supplementary 2. Supplementary data 3 contains the ex vivo anti-HIV activity in PBMC’s. Supplementary data 4 is a summary of mean of Summary of mean potency values (IC50 ± S.D.), inhibition values at each test concentration, for the test samples, the positive control, verapamil, potency. All data in tables are expressed as mean inhibition or mean µM potency, from N ≥ 3 separate cells. The positive control value was within the acceptable potency range (0.2 - 0.8 µM). The tandem mass spectral data of lasioerin shown in supplementary 5. The nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of lasioerin are shown in supplementary data (6-11). The compound lasiocephalin  nuclear magnetic spectral data is shown in supplementary data (12-15). Supplementary data 16 shows the tandem mass spectral data of yuanhuacine A. While the nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy is shown in supplementary data (17-23). The compound yuanhuacine mass spectral data is shown in supplementary data 24. While the nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopic data of yuanhuacine is shown in supplementary data (25-30). The mass spectral data of cis 2′′/3′′ isomer of gnididin is shown in supplementary data (31). While the supplementary data of cis 2′′/3′′ isomer of gnididin is shown in supplementary data (32-37). The compound yuanhuajine has its mass spectral data shown in supplementary data 38. While the nuclear magnetic spectral data of cis 2′′/3′′ isomer of gnididin is shown in supplementary data (39-42). The mass spectral data of the compound gniditrin and its proton nuclear magnetic spectral data are shown in supplementary data 43 and 44, respectively. 




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