University of Pretoria

Comprehensive assessment of research data management : practices and data quality indicators in a social sciences organisation

posted on 2024-07-19, 10:16 authored by Glenn TshweuGlenn Tshweu

This dataset includes information on quality control and data management of researchers and data curators from a social science organization. Four data curators and 24 researchers provided responses for the study. Data collection techniques, data processing strategies, data storage and preservation, metadata standards, data sharing procedures, and the perceived significance of quality control and data quality assurance are the main areas of focus. The dataset attempts to provide insight on the RDM procedures that are being used by a social science organization as well as the difficulties that researchers and data curators encounter in upholding high standards of data quality. The goal of the study is to encourage more investigations aimed at enhancing scientific community data management practices and guidelines.



Information Science

Sustainable Development Goals

  • 4 Quality Education