Confirmed 2020-2021 COVID-19 cases at Manzini, Eswatini
This is secondary data that was routinely collected by the Patient Management Information System (PMIS), Health Management Information System (HMIS), Laboratory Management Information System (LMIS), and the Immediate Disease Notification System (IDNS). The PMIS and HMIS systems are mostly found in facilities while the LMIS is found in the laboratories from the facility level to the national laboratory level. The IDNS is utilized by anyone who comes into contact with a patient from rural health motivators to facility level and also the emergency preparedness and response (EPR) teams/case management. The IDNS data is then shared using google sheets and the EPR team and the deputy director of clinical services have editor’s rights for these google sheets. The surveillance officers are responsible for retrieving data and data cleaning activities such as identifying duplications and outliers also correcting incorrect records. A nasopharyngeal swab was preferred over the oral swab as it was suggested to have a high yield of the virus policymakers. A rapid antigen test was used and a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used for confirmation or with asymptomatic clients. The data was available as an excel document which was changed and all string variables were converted to numerical variables. The variables were also catergorised accordingly and then converted to a stata dataset.
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School of Health Systems & Public HealthSustainable Development Goals
- 3 Good Health and Well-Being