University of Pretoria

Description of anthropometric, monocyte phenotype, and z-score data of mothers living with and without HIV and their infants that are exposed and unexposed to HIV

posted on 2023-09-19, 14:16 authored by Iwan SipsmaIwan Sipsma, Theresa RossouwTheresa Rossouw, Andrea PrinslooAndrea Prinsloo, Peet du Toit

These datasets consist of tables and figures that describe the anthropometric, monocyte phenotypes, and z-score calculations. The data are of mothers living with and without HIV and their infants that are either HIV-exposed uninfected (HEU) or HIV-unexposed uninfected (HUU) over a period of 12 months with no significant differences between the two groups. 

The data provided are of the mothers at their infants' birth, and the infants over four time points (birth [0-weeks], 10 weeks, six months, and 12 months), at birth, these main data sets use a p-value of 10% and showed little significant differences over the four time points. The data of the infant groups (HEU and HUU) for the four time points showed some significant differences in either the z-score data or the monocyte phenotype percentages between the two groups. There are also comparisons of the anthropometric data differences for the infants between different time points, with the most remarkable differences appearing between 12 months and six months for length and head circumference. These anthropometric data are highlighted with corresponding box-and-whisker diagrams of BMI at 10 weeks between HEU and HUU, and weight at 6 months. Comparisons of the monocyte phenotype percentages of the HEU and HUU infants at 0 weeks, 10 weeks, and six months are also provided, with higher probabilities (p<0.1) of phenotype percentages between birth and 10 weeks than between 10 weeks and six months. Associations between infant monocyte phenotype percentages and head circumference for age z-scores, BMI for age z-scores, and weight for age z-scores at their different time points are provided, with no probabilities for head circumference, one probability difference for BMI at birth for the CCR2 for classical monocyte pathway, and a significant difference for the intermediate monocyte and CCR2 for classical and intermediate monocytes at birth. 

A correlation between monocyte phenotype percentages and gestational age (GA) in infants is also provided using the Spearman correlation test showed negative correlations for the classical monocyte with the intermediate, non-classical, and the CCR2 for classical and intermediate monocytes. A t-distributed Stochastic Neighbour Embedding (tSNE) dimension reduction dot plots of the monocyte phenotypes for a representative HEU and HUU infant at birth, 10 weeks, and six months are figures that show the higher percentages of intermediate monocyte phenotype with increased CD16 expression at birth for the HEU infant, at 10 weeks similar patterns are demonstrated or the intermediate phenotype at 10 weeks between the HEU and HUU infants, and similar patterns are seen for the HEU and HUU infant at six months for the intermediate phenotype.  



Human Physiology

Sustainable Development Goals

  • 3 Good Health and Well-Being
  • 4 Quality Education