University of Pretoria

Differences in species richness, encounter frequency, encounter duration and activity time of species that utilize aardvark burrows along an agricultural gradient

posted on 2023-02-16, 11:28 authored by Jordan NetherlandsJordan Netherlands, Natalie S. Haussmann, Armanda BastosArmanda Bastos

Data from the analysis of camera trap photographs obtained from two sites, namely Telperion Nature Reserve and Zonnebloem farm. These datasets include a species list, graphs describing response variables between the two sites, and results from statistical analyses. Response variables are species richness, encounter frequency, encounter duration, and activity time. Statistical test results include results from General Linear Models (GLMs), Generalized Linear Mixed Models (GLMMs) and Chi-square tests computed on R-Studio.



Geography, Geoinformatics and Meteorology