Effect of tannin additives on rumen microbes
This data describes the rumen microbiome of South Africa merino sheep, obtained from metagenomic analysis.
Twenty-four (24) rumen fluid samples collected from 24 sheep were stored at -20°C at Nutrilab freezer in the Department of Animal Science, University of Pretoria. The stored rumen fluid samples were defrosted at room temperature. DNA extraction was carried out using D4300 ZymoBiomics miniprep (Zymo Research group, U.S.A) following the manufacturer’s protocol (see Appendix). DNA extraction was done in the Animal Genetics laboratory, Department of Animal Science, University of Pretoria.
The concentration of all DNA extracted was determined using high sensitivity scale on the Qubit 2.0 fluorometer (Invitrogen Life Technologies, Carlifornia). The purity was also determined by loading 1 µL of the DNA sample on NanoDrop spectrophotometer (Thermo Scientific™, South Africa). A gel electrophoresis (1% agarose gel, run at 80V for 45mins) was carried out to also confirm the quality of the DNA sample using 2 µL loading dye and 3 µL of the DNA sample.
DNA samples were sequenced, and data obtained were analysed using MGRAST. Results from the relative abundance of microbes at different taxonomic levels (phylum, family and genus) were analysed using microbiomanalyst.ca to determine the effect of the different treatment on rumen microbes