University of Pretoria

Ethnographic notes and transcribed interviews with nurses and doctors on biomedical ethics, improvisation and duty to care

posted on 2024-07-15, 14:35 authored by Gwaha MadwatteGwaha Madwatte, Fraser McNeill

This dataset contains my interviews with doctors and nurses working in public facilities in Gauteng, South Africa. The document comprises direct transcriptions of telephonic and on-site interviews and a few ethnographic notes. The document is in PDF; therefore, any PDF reader could be used to assess it. The dataset speaks explores healthcare workers’ praxis of biomedical ethics in a healthcare system that has been ravaged by structural challenges evidenced by poor management, shortages of biomedical supplies, staff, and equipment. By following the narratives of healthcare professionals, the researcher examined the ways in which they attempt to fulfill their duty to care for patients by working around and through situations. Through this dataset the researcher was able to make visible the tools, techniques, practices, and processes they engage in to negotiate and achieve patient care.


The MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program at University of Pretoria (UP)




Sustainable Development Goals

  • 3 Good Health and Well-Being
  • 10 Reduced Inequalities