University of Pretoria

Healthcare workers' perceptions of electronic medical record (EMR) system utilization in Mafeteng district using technology acceptance model (TAM)

posted on 2024-09-25, 07:27 authored by Tebeli SekoaiTebeli Sekoai

The dataset is for a study titled "Insights into the healthcare workers' perceptions of electronic medical record system utilization :  A cross-sectional study in Mafeteng district, Lesotho". The study investigates healthcare workers’ (HCWs) perceptions of EMR systems in the Mafeteng district of Lesotho, adopting the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to explore the factors influencing perceived usefulness (PU) and perceived ease of use (PEU). Given the ongoing efforts to implement EMR systems across the healthcare settings in Lesotho, understanding the attitudes and experiences of frontline users is essential for the success of these initiatives



School of Health Systems and Public Health

Sustainable Development Goals

  • 3 Good Health and Well-Being
  • 9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure