University of Pretoria

Hearing healthcare resources and services in South Africa including cochlear implants and telehealth services for hearing loss

posted on 2022-11-21, 13:39 authored by Aaqilah BhamjeeAaqilah Bhamjee, Faheema Mahomed AsmailFaheema Mahomed Asmail, Talita le RouxTalita le Roux, Marien Alet Graham, Kurt Schlemmer, De Wet Swanepoel, Jennifer Perold, James Loock

This dataset represents the results obtained from a study conducted on perceptions of telehealth services for hearing loss in South Africa's public healthcare system. The data is given in three PDF files and contain the following:

Study i: This data represents the results obtained from a study titled Audiologists' perceptions of hearing healthcare resources and services in South Africa's public healthcare system. Figures I-III: These figures represent audiologists' perceptions on the availability of audiology screening equipment (Figure I), diagnostic audiology equipment (Figure II), and Information Systems and Technology (Figure III) within the public sector hospital they were employed in. Table 3.2: The demographic characteristics of the 100 participating audiologists.Table 3.3: The audiologists' open-ended responses from the question asked on their perceptions of the greatest challenges hindering hearing healthcare in the public sector. The results are represented according to the most prominent central themes and descriptions and illustrative quotes for these themes.

Study ii: This data represents the results obtained from a study titled Cochlear implantation in South Africa - Part two.A restrospective review of the 2019 annual reports submitted to South African Cochlear Implant Group (SACIG) by the cochlear implant programmes was conducted. These data provide a cross-section of the status of CI in SA at the current time. Two of the 12 cochlear implant programmes’ annual reports were unfortunately not accessible.  

Study iii: Figure 6.2: represents audiologists' perceptions of the types of telehealth services used in Audiology Departments within South African public sector hospitals, indicated in terms of % (n=28) Figure 6.3: represents audiologists' perceived barriers toward telehealth service delivery within South African public sector hospitals, indicated in terms of % (n=86) Table 6.2: represents audiologists' responses to questions on their perceptions of telehealth practices within their hospital setting (n=97) Table 6.3: represents qualitative data - themes, categories, descriptions, and illustrative examples audiologists' perceptions of telehealth services for hearing loss in the public healthcare system.


Andrew W Mellon Foundation, Grant Number: G-41500687



Speech-language Pathology and Audiology