University of Pretoria

Integrated beef cattle model

posted on 2023-06-28, 10:42 authored by Kennedy KalunduKennedy Kalundu

This dataset will enable the viewing of the beef production, consumption, exports and pricing of beef in the formal and informal markets in Namibia. This is time series data from 1990 to 2022, and contains simulation data up to 2030 for the domestic markets (formal and informal), export markets (RSA and EU) for live weaners and fresh-chilled beef and pricing. It will illustrate the trends in supply and demand dynamics of beef in the formal (commercial) and informal (communal) sub-sectors of the beef industry in Namibia. 



Agricultural Economics, Extension and Rural Development

Sustainable Development Goals

  • 2 Zero Hunger
  • 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth
  • 12 Responsible Consumption and Production