University of Pretoria

Johannesburg fresh produce market socio-economic data from 2019-2022

Version 2 2024-07-16, 10:21
Version 1 2024-07-15, 13:36
posted on 2024-07-16, 10:21 authored by Makhanana MalunganeMakhanana Malungane

This dataset includes all variables collected from structured interviews with analysis. Each spreadsheet delves into selected focus areas outline and discussed in detail in the dissertation.

A total of 127 structured interviews and then 40 semi-structured interviews with a sub-set of those already interviewed. Of the 127 structured interviews conducted, 34 were gathered as part of a previous research project titled “Decision making in speculative markets: An exploratory study into buyer's decision-making process at the Johannesburg Fresh Produce Market" before the registration for my master’s degree. The earlier structured interviews were conducted in 2019 and served as the basis for the further research conducted between 2021 and 2022.

The questionnaire use can be found under files Annexure A and B the research instruments folder. The main nexus is the matrix analysis found under question 7A is buyer focused survey. A matrix was used to analysis this section using cross-sectional approaches. Moreover, the respondent demographics can be found in Annexure in the same folder.



Anthropology, Archaeology, and Development Studies

Sustainable Development Goals

  • 2 Zero Hunger
  • 1 No Poverty
  • 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth