University of Pretoria

Lean manufacturing practice in South Africa

posted on 2023-06-15, 12:52 authored by Josephine MbeweJosephine Mbewe

The zipfile contains datasets that were collected through a survey prior to editing and after editing and processing using smartPLS. The files of processed data are multiple because different scenarios had to be run in the simulation (iterative, for example, remove a variable and observing the effect). The results were pocessed using smartPLS.

Survey participants targeted were peope who work in organizations that have manufacturing operations, and have a decent level of understanding about any improvement initiatives in their businesses especially regarding their manufacturing processes. Participants were restricted to any particular industry (electrical engineering, fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG), textiles, etc).



Industrial and Systems Engineering

Sustainable Development Goals

  • 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth