University of Pretoria

Mother tongue and social media influence on learners' English language proficiency

posted on 2022-07-14, 10:53 authored by Rachego MonagengRachego Monageng

The data presents mother tongue and social media influence on second language learners' English proficiency. English is used as a medium for global communication, education, business, and research. Subsequently, universities in more than 130 countries determine prospective students' level of proficiency through English competency tests such as IELTS and TOEFL. This adds an additional burden to Grade 12 English FAL learners to be more proficient. The study was conducted through a qualitative approach with an interpretivist paradigm. It was theoretically framed on the Linguistic Interdependence Theory of Cummins(1978). The study adhered to Ethics committee approval which advocates for voluntary participation and anonymity of participants to protect identity. 



Humanities Education