University of Pretoria

Non-specialist mathematics teachers' identity

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posted on 2023-10-30, 14:02 authored by Zanele DibaneZanele Dibane

The data was gathered using a variety of methods, including semi-structured interviews, lesson observations, and document analysis of lesson plans. The information is gathered from rural non-specialist mathematics teachers on their perceptions of who they are and who they aspire to become as non-specialist mathematics teachers, their understanding of mathematics, and the approaches they use when teaching. Categories were predetermined from the conceptual framework and other categories emerged from the data as influencers of mathematics teacher identity (MTI) development, namely: teachers' beliefs about mathematics as a subject, mathematics teaching and learning, contextual factors, and practice. The data also shows how the non-specialist mathematics teachers' identity was actualized in the classroom, particularly their subject matter knowledge and teaching skills. The data was analysed using microsoft office as an aid following seven steps from Saldahna manual coding. Pseudonyms were used to anonymize the data.


University of Pretoria (UP) Postgraduate Bursary



Science, Mathematics, and Technology Education

Sustainable Development Goals

  • 4 Quality Education