University of Pretoria

Perception of involvement of parents in their child's augmentative and alternative communication intervention

posted on 2022-10-21, 07:27 authored by Gonda OlivierGonda Olivier

Dataset for a qualitative study based on pre-set inclusion and exclusion factors, of which the primary factors were augmentative and alternative communication and involvement of parents as primary caregivers.

The table added contains 40 articles selected on abstract level which adhered to the primary selection criteria for this study. The 40 articles were reviewed on full text level by the researcher and the supervisor to determine suitability for the scoping review. From the intial 40 articles selected, 10 were selected on full text level as primary basis for the scoping review of primary caregiver's perceptions of their involvement in augmentative and alternative communication intervention of their children. After final selection the data extraction tool attached was used to extract the data required from these articles. An example is the dataset containing demographical data.



Centre for Augmentative and Alternative Communication