University of Pretoria

Plant physiology, soil properties and forage quality data analysis results for Cover Crop Field and Experimental Farm trials

posted on 2024-09-26, 14:27 authored by Brett MuirheadBrett Muirhead, Wayne F. Truter

Plant physiology, soil properties and forage quality data was collected from the Cover Crop Field trials and Experimental Farm trials. The cover crop plant physiology data includes plant dry matter production contents (yield of the plant biomass), plant canopy height readings (growth rate of the plants), leaf chlorophyll content readings (amount of green chlorophyll present in the leaves, correlated to plant stress) and canopy light interception readings (amount of light penetrating the maize canopy and reaching the cover crop plants below). The soil properties data includes soil moisture percentage readings, soil bulk density readings (the strength of the soil), soil penetration resistance readings (the amount of force that a root requires to penetrate into the soil profile) and soil infiltration readings (water infiltration). The forage quality data includes the results from wet chemistry analysis. The data was collected on the plant crude protein contents, crude fat contents, neutral detergent fiber contents, acid detergent fiber contents, calcium contents, phosphorus contents and in vitro digestibility contents. All these analysis parameters contributing to plant nutrition and forage quality.


AGT Food Africa



Plant and Soil Sciences

Sustainable Development Goals

  • 2 Zero Hunger
  • 12 Responsible Consumption and Production
  • 15 Life on Land