University of Pretoria

Predictive fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) models for disease resistance in Eucalyptus clones.

posted on 2023-01-31, 10:54 authored by Valencia MogashoaValencia Mogashoa, Sanushka Naidoo


The datasets entails 3 Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) models for Eucalyptus hybrid clones resistance and susceptibility as well as the sample sets for the study (disseration). The samples were collected from an inoculation trial and then analyzed for FT-IR. To develop the FT-IR models, spectra converted to spc format using terminal and Github.The spectral data was then analyzed on R-Studio using the Eucalyptus script.

The dataset comparing two methods (VSURF & SVM) has also been included. As well as the 3 models classification perfomance using Support Vector Machine (SVM) and the Partial Least Square-Discriminant Analysis (PLS-DA) performance analysis.


Forest Sector Innovation Fund



Biochemistry, Genetics & Microbiology