University of Pretoria

Quantitative analysis of pulse (Bambara groundnut, cowpea and soybeans) protein ingredients

posted on 2024-11-13, 10:02 authored by Sarah KandoloSarah Kandolo

The database describes the quantitative measurement of pulse defatted flours, protein concentrates and protein isolates. Techno-functional properties such as protein solubility, water and oil absorption capacities, water solubility index, surface active properties, gelation and viscosity properties were measured. Proximate composition measurements were done using the AOAC method, and the functional and flow properties were measured using typical analysis found in the literature. Secondary structures of protein isolates were done using FTIR-ATR (Fourier Transform Infrared- Attenuated Total Reflectance) to determine the secondary structure typically found in the amide I and II regions. SDS-PAGE bands were analysed using Bio-Rad software to determine the band intensities for globular proteins (legumin and vicilin fractions). Apparent viscosity/ flow properties of protein isolates were measured at shear rates ranging from 0.001 to 1000 s-1 using a Physica MCR 101 Rheometer with a profiled plate (PP25/P2, diameter 25 mm). The apparent viscosities of the protein isolate dispersions were assessed under the following conditions: Treatment 1: Different solid contents (2, 6 and 10% w/v), Treatment 2: 10% (w/v) protein isolates at 50 and 100 mM NaCl, and Treatment 3: 10% (w/v) protein isolates at pH 4, 5.5, 7 and 8.5.



Consumer and Food Sciences

Sustainable Development Goals

  • 2 Zero Hunger
  • 9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
  • 12 Responsible Consumption and Production