University of Pretoria

Recognizing and comprehending the facilitating factors for promoting the advancement of reading skills in primary schools in Zimbabwe

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posted on 2024-07-31, 14:56 authored by Gladys Gowo

The researcher investigated identify enabling classroom conditions that promote the development of reading literacy competencies among lower grade learners in selected high-performing schools in Zimbabwe. Employing a multiple case study, the study revealed the impact of the guided reading approach, the effect of societal value systems and the contribution of organised pedagogical approaches on reading literacy development. Eight critical enabling factors were identified: interpretation and implementation of curriculum; school-level reading policies; curriculum materials content; professional development of teachers; school infrastructure and other resources; attitudes, psycho-social factors; mentoring and monitoring; parental involvement; teaching approaches, strategies and methods; and professional competencies and attitudes. The findings culminated in the design of the Multi-Faceted Reading Literacy Development Model, the significance of which provides hope for those in educationally deprived environments.



Science, Mathematics and Technology Education

Sustainable Development Goals

  • 4 Quality Education
  • 5 Gender Equality
  • 10 Reduced Inequalities