University of Pretoria

Skills development for community youth through an El Sistema inspired community music programme in South Africa

Version 2 2024-01-26, 09:54
Version 1 2024-01-26, 09:50
posted on 2024-01-26, 09:54 authored by Nathalie RoueNathalie Roue

In this study, I aimed to discover the potential avenues within the context of an El Sistema-inspired community music programme, particularly when integrated with an urban residential tertiary institution in South Africa. The objectives of this study were to identify the necessary physical and human resources for initiating an El Sistema-inspired community music programme, to explore the adaptation of such a programme to suit the country’s distinctive cultural context, and to elucidate the music education opportunities it could extend to the youth in South Africa. Three main themes emerged from data analysis namely collaboration, sustainability, and development of human potential. Interpreting the data revealed that these three themes are interconnected factors that set off a chain reaction, ultimately culminating in the success of a community music programme. Several subthemes evolved, such as crossing cultural barriers through music, integrating community music with tertiary music studies to develop teaching skills, contributing towards skills development for both community youth members and tertiary music students, as well as the wellbeing and upliftment of the broader community. In conclusion, this research underscores the intricate interplay of collaboration, sustainability, and human potential development as essential components for the success of an El Sistema-inspired community music programme in South Africa, shedding light on the transformative impact such an initiative may exert on individuals, communities, and the broader cultural fabric.




Sustainable Development Goals

  • 3 Good Health and Well-Being
  • 4 Quality Education
  • 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities