University of Pretoria

Statistics of variables used in spatial crime research

posted on 2022-10-03, 15:42 authored by Gretha GroeneveldGretha Groeneveld

Descriptive statistics for the non-standardised and standardised dependent and independent variables used as proxies for social disorganisation characteristics in Khayelitsha and Fort Lauderdale. The statistics are presented as raw variables prior to transformations.

The spatial statistical techniques used to examine spatial patterns of violent crime and the associations with social disorganisation in Khayelitsha include:

- exploratory spatial data analysis (ESDA) to explore the spatial distribution of violent crime in Khayelitsha;

- bivariate correlation analysis using Pearson product-moment correlation;

- a series of spatial regression models to examine the association between crime and a selection of structural neighbourhood characteristics in Khayelitsha.


