Stocking rate and organic waste type affect development of three Chrysomya species and Lucilia sericata
Version 2 2020-03-10, 09:00Version 2 2020-03-10, 09:00
Version 1 2020-03-09, 13:24Version 1 2020-03-09, 13:24
posted on 2020-03-10, 09:00authored byNina Jennifer Parray, Elsje Pieterse, Christopher W. Weldon
Tables detailing the mass of larvae of four species of Calliphorid flies feeding on waste products (kitchen waste, swine manure and abattoir waste) over time, their survival at the end of feeding and body composition (dry mass, body water content, carbohydrates, lipids and protein). The species are Chrysomya chloropyga, C. megacephala, C. putoria and Lucilia sericata. Data are arranged according to waste type first (separated by batches), then survival, waste reduction and body composition.