University of Pretoria

The cross-polarisation jamming of monopulse radar simulation, measurement and cross-polarisation antenna pattern modelling

posted on 2024-10-24, 14:10 authored by Khahliso MosomaKhahliso Mosoma, Warren du PlessisWarren du Plessis

The provided data contains simulation and measured data in text files and MATLAB scripts to plot the data. The data is taken from FEKO (an electromagnetic software) simulations of the five analysed antennas(the Wire-grid monopulse antenna, Hannan parabolic reflector monopulse antenna, Horn monopulse antenna, Cassegrain monopulse antenna, Hannan Cassegrain monopulse antenna). The MATLAB scripts must be run to plot and visualise the data. Monopulse co-polarisation and cross-polarisation patterns are mathematically derived and MATLAB scripts are provided to plot/visualise the derived co-polarisation and cross-polarisation antenna pattern functions. The wire-grid antenna measurements were taken at an anechoic chamber and MATLAB scripts are provided for the measured data.


Council for scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) Masters Studentship

Southern ENT Funding 2022 Bursary



Electrical, Electronic, and Computer Engineering

Sustainable Development Goals

  • 9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure