The occurrence records of forty-three dominant Maloti-Drakensberg grass species
The uploaded files contain the occurrence data of 43 Drakensberg grass species (Alloteropsis semialata, Andropogon appendiculatus, Andropogon eucomus, Aristida diffusa, Bergbambos tessellate, Bromus catharticus, Cenchrus clandestinus, Cortaderia selloana, Cymbopogon pospischilii, Digitaria eriantha, Ehrharta longigluma, Elionurus muticus, Eragrostis capensis, Eragrostis curvula, Eragrostis plana, Eragrostis racemose, Festuca caprina, Harpochloa falx, Helictotrichon turgidulum, Heteropogon contortus, Hordeum capense, Imperata cylindrica, Koeleria capensis, Loudetia simplex, Melinis nerviglumis, Melinis repens, Merxmuellera disticha, Microchloa caffra, Miscanthus ecklonii, Monocymbium ceresiiforme, Oryza longistaminata, Panicum schinzii, Paspalum dilatatum, Pennisetum sphacelatum, Pennisetum thunbergia, Phragmites australis, Sorghum bicolor, Stiburus alopecuroides, Themeda triandra, Trachypogon spicatus, Trichanthecium natalense, Tristachya leucothrix and Triticum turgidum). These grass species can be located between 28°27.515' S 26°36.675 'E and 31°13.870' S 29°38.609' E (i.e. the area fully encompassing the Maloti-Drakensberg Mountain Centre of Endemism). The occurrence records were used to generate species distribution models in the R program using the maxent function to help identify which environmental conditions were related to the distribution of these grass species, to be used to predict how climate change will impact the distribution of these grass species across both fine- and broad-scales.
National Research Foundation (NRF), Grant Number: 129334
Plant and Soil SciencesSustainable Development Goals
- 13 Climate Action
- 15 Life on Land