University of Pretoria

Vocal knowedge and needs of theology students

Version 2 2023-10-30, 12:35
Version 1 2023-05-29, 10:11
posted on 2023-10-30, 12:35 authored by Johan MaaszJohan Maasz, Sonika van der Riet, Marinique Henriët, Leanet Britz, Marien Alet Graham, Maria du ToitMaria du Toit, Jeannie van der Linde

These datasets consist of the analysed responses of final year theology students to an open online survey hosted on the University of Pretoria's (UP) Qualtrics database to determine their knowledge and needs with regards to voice use and vocal hygiene. The datasets were collected for the production of a dissertation and for dissemination in an academic article.



Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology

Sustainable Development Goals

  • 3 Good Health and Well-Being
  • 4 Quality Education