University of Pretoria
Figure 12‐Target vehicle platform fitted with Trelleborg TM700‐28070R16 agricultural tyres (Becker,2022).jpeg (425.25 kB)
Figure 14‐Distribution of soil shear stress ratio for a range of cohesionless soils.emf (164.35 kB)
Figure 15‐Bevameter hardware. (a) Isometric view of computer‐aided design.emf (26.52 MB)
Figure 15‐Bevameter hardware. (b) Manufactured Bevameter on soil bin.emf (9.59 MB)
Figure 16‐Custom 4 DOF load cell detail. (a) Side view.emf (788.18 kB)
Figure 16‐Custom 4 DOF load cell detail. (b) Isometric view.emf (5.37 MB)
Figure 17‐High‐level overview of the Bevameter control system and data logging scheme.emf (109.84 kB)
Figure 18‐Bevameter ground engagement tools. (a) Left Tool 01, Right Tool 02. (b) Tool 03. (c) Tool 04. (d) Tool 05. (e) Tool 06. (f) Si.png (3.87 MB)
Figure 19‐Experimental setup used for load cell calibration. (a) Torque calibration.jpeg (125.93 kB)
Figure 19‐Experimental setup used for load cell calibration. (b) Vertical force calibration.jpeg (3.46 MB)
Figure 20‐Load cell calibration matrix. (a) Finite Element model.emf (698.18 kB)
Figure 20‐Load cell calibration matrix. (b) Empirical model.emf (706.47 kB)
Figure 21‐Load cell calibration data and empirical model fit.emf (727.23 kB)
Figure 22‐Residual plot for the 4 DOF load cell under combined loading conditions.emf (252.19 kB)
Figure 23‐Soil particle size distribution (Particle size classes from USDA soil classification system (USDA, 1987)).emf (208.17 kB)
Figure 24‐Soil bin commissioned at University of Pretoria (Length 5m, Breadth 2m, Depth 0.5m).jpg (6.95 MB)
Figure 25‐Soil bin boundary conditions.emf (25.05 kB)
Figure 26‐High level overview of experimental design and data analysis method.emf (8.71 MB)
Figure 27‐Soil Bin moisture content. (a) Soil moisture content histogram.emf (78.37 kB)
Figure 27‐Soil Bin moisture content. (b) Temporal moisture content fluctuation.emf (150.63 kB)
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Factors that influences bevameter terrain characterisation

posted on 2023-03-08, 11:57 authored by Ray KrugerRay Kruger

This data describes an experimental investigation of factors that influence Bevameter soil characterisation. The following five factors were investigated for partially saturated sandy soil: i) soil preparation on pressure‐sinkage, ii) soil preparation on shear stress, iii) torsional vs. translational shear mechanism, iv) shear contact area, and v) shear velocity. This study employs the Bayesian statistical framework for probabilistic parameter estimation and formal hypothesis testing. The results show that the estimated internal soil friction angles ranged from 16.5 to 37.5 degrees for the same soil. The findings are expected to have significant implications for the prediction of vehicle drawbar pull using the Bekker‐Wong model. Most of the figures are presented in .emf vector files that are not directly viewable outside Microsoft Word. 



Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering