University of Pretoria

Factors that influences bevameter terrain characterisation

posted on 2023-03-08, 11:57 authored by Ray KrugerRay Kruger

This data describes an experimental investigation of factors that influence Bevameter soil characterisation. The following five factors were investigated for partially saturated sandy soil: i) soil preparation on pressure‐sinkage, ii) soil preparation on shear stress, iii) torsional vs. translational shear mechanism, iv) shear contact area, and v) shear velocity. This study employs the Bayesian statistical framework for probabilistic parameter estimation and formal hypothesis testing. The results show that the estimated internal soil friction angles ranged from 16.5 to 37.5 degrees for the same soil. The findings are expected to have significant implications for the prediction of vehicle drawbar pull using the Bekker‐Wong model. Most of the figures are presented in .emf vector files that are not directly viewable outside Microsoft Word. 



Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering