University of Pretoria

The effect of larval diet, adult diet, sex, and hardening on Ceratitis cosyra thermotolerance

journal contribution
posted on 2023-03-16, 10:19 authored by Dylan PullockDylan Pullock, Christopher WeldonChristopher Weldon, Kévin MalodKévin Malod, Aruna Manrakhan

EXP 1 recovery_time is a CSV file that contains: the test type (Upper Lethal Temperature ULT or Lower Lethal Temperature LLT); the vial number (10 vials per test temperature);  test temperature (in degrees celsius); the time in hours that the flies were left to recover from temperature exposure (1hr, 2hrs, 24hrs); the sex of the individuals within the vial (5 vials male and 5 vials female at each temperature tested); total number of individuals contained within each vial (around 10); individuals recorded as alive at the end of each recovery period; and individuals recorded as dead at the end of each recovery period. Using the EXP 1  recovery_time.R script, the data was analysied and figures generated. Later, the CSV file was split into CSV files for LLT_rec_time and ULT_rec_time which were then analysied with their own similarly named R scripts to generate results and graphs specific to recovery time for ULT or LLT exposure.The EXP 1 temperature_recordings CSV file was used in conjuction with its matching R script file to generate Figure 1 of Pullock et al (2023) and to calculate an avg test temperature over a period of 7200 seconds (or 2 hrs). The EXP 1 proportional survival at ULT and LLT CSV files were used with their corresponding R script files to help calculate suitable lethal and sub lethal test temperatures for use in EXP 2.

The Experiment 2 data xlsx file has a data description page that breaks down and explains the setup. This xlsx file was then broken up into three CSV files looking at ULT, LLT, and Weight. All three CSV files were analysied using EXP 2 Fly script 3.0. R script file to determine the effect of diet, sex and hardening on thermotolerance as well as whether or not body weight is a good indicator of thermotolerance in C. cosyra.


Citrus Research International (Project 407)



Zoology and Entomology