Dedza extension system
This is dataset for the Dedza extension service system from the 389 farmers and 22 service providers that participated in at least one of the Strengthening Agriculture and Nutrition Extension (SANE) project over the five years of its implementation (2015-2020). The data was collected in September 2022 across all the 8Traditional Authourities hourities (TAs) of Dedza, Malawi. The TAs include Kamenyagwaza, Chauma, Kasumbu, Chilikumwendo, Kachindamoto, Kachere, Tambala and Kaphuka. A questionnaire was used and for the farmers it was entered into a data collection software, Kobo. The collected data was submitted by web and it was later converted into SPSS files where processing was done. Because of the disproportionately of the TAs, the data was weighted before further analysis was done. The data was analysed using descriptive and content analysis in SPSS to come up with the tables and figures attached.
Malawi Government Scholarship Fund
Agricultural Economics, Extension and Rural DevelopmentSustainable Development Goals
- 1 No Poverty
- 2 Zero Hunger