University of Pretoria

Land acquisition for agribusiness development

posted on 2022-06-21, 14:27 authored by Kablan EffossouKablan Effossou, Abel Ramoelo, Moses Azong Cho


This study particularly used qualitative data approach.The data used for this study is summarised as follows: 

  1. Main data: Analysed data generated during the field work from July 2019 to August 2019 in South Comoe region . Three ctegories of  participants were selected for interview those who own land and have access to land . Pseudonym were adopted to present the participants identity.
  2. Tables and figure generated during the data collection show the land acquistion status . The amount of land acquired by agribusiness corporates in South Comoe . The tables show as well the category of participants in the districts of Aboisso, Adiake and Bonoua with good knowledge  in the process of land acquistion by agribusiness corporates. The tables indicate the participants of focus group discussion mainly small scale farmers depending on land for their livelihood . The figure indicates the complexity relationship between land tenure system, land acquisition and agribusiness corporates.
  3. Table generated from secondary data analysis indicate the post colonial land reform policy in Cote d'Ivoire as well as the similarities and differences of land tenure systems from the French and Great Britain colonial administration system in sub-Saharan Africa.
  4. Maps generated by the department of geography related to the study area indicate land occupied , developed by one of the gribusiness corporates in South Comoe region as well as the geographical location of the study area , the environmental map and human setlment of the districts of Aboisso, Adiake and Bonoua.



Geography, Geoinformatics and Meteorology