University of Pretoria

Mathematics teachers' assessment practices on lesson study cycle

posted on 2022-11-21, 14:20 authored by Lauren NeuhoffLauren Neuhoff

This data set consists of: 

  • four transcripts of direct observations and unstructured interviews in Microsoft Office Word format. 
  • two research instruments in Microsoft Office Word format. 
  • 15 figures, gathered from the initial data analysis. 
  • one table, describing the data collection method and documentation.  

A qualitative approach was used to collect a rich narrative of the participants interpretation and perspective of their formative assessmnet practices within the context of lesson study. The data collection methods included direct observations of two consecutive stages (Stage 1: Collaborative lesson planning and Stage 2: Lesson presentation and observation) within two in-school lesson studies. From the observations, questions were drafted for the unstructured interviews, which were conducted after the observations. The data was analysed using inductive and deductive analysis with the aid of Microsoft Offfice Word. 



Science, Mathematics and Technology Education