University of Pretoria

Promotion of health interventions for families with member(s) diagnosed with tuberculosis (TB)

Version 2 2023-10-04, 10:16
Version 1 2023-09-06, 12:36
posted on 2023-10-04, 10:16 authored by Keni Johannes SebothomaKeni Johannes Sebothoma

This dataset reflects the analysed data of the lived experiences of families having a member(s) diagnosed with tuberculosis and the needs of community health nurses proving TB health promotion in the North West province of South Africa.The study followed a constructivist approach to answer the research question.

The study was conducted in two phases: In phase 1, a qualitative, descriptive phenomenology was conducted as a philosophical base and design. The researcher used face-to-face individual semi-structured interviews to collect data. The findings of Phase 1 formed the basis of Phase 2.

In phase 1, ten (10) families having member(s) diagnosed with tuberculosis and twelve (12) community health nurses working in the clinics and community health centres of Ngaka Modiri Molema District were purposefully selected to participate in the study. The researcher used semi- structured individual interviews to collect the data. Data analysis was done using Colaizi’s (1978) method. All principles of trustworthiness by Guba and Lincoln (2005) were considered. Additionally, an independent co-coder was involved in finalising the themes.

In Phase 2, the health promotion interventions for families having a member(s) diagnosed with tuberculosis in the Northwest province were developed and validated. The Delphi technique was used over four rounds to validate the developed health promotion interventions. Eighteen (18) expert health professionals took part in the study through the Delphi technique and data collection was done with the use of questionnaire through emails. Data collection and analysis for this phase was done concurrently throughout the rounds, and in the fourth-round rating was used to analyse the data. Six (6) tuberculosis health promotion interventions were developed and validated for families having a member(s) diagnosed with tuberculosis in the North West province.



Nursing Science

Sustainable Development Goals

  • 3 Good Health and Well-Being

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    Health Sciences



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